The Parish Council, District and County Councillors are lobbying Suffolk County Council (SCC) for revisions to the temporary bus service timetable (effective 2nd September until 31st December). This has already been improved but still does not meet many basic travelling needs. The aim, if possible, is to focus on influencing the timetable that will be put in place after December for the benefit of as many people as possible.
Please complete the form below as soon as possible, submitting one form for each service you use regularly with same departure and destination, times and on same day(s etc). Please encourage any bus users you know to do the same to provide a complete picture of bus service requirements of all residents who rely on bus services.
Online completion is prefered as responses are entered directly into a database but you can also download a paper form for printing if you know someone who would prefer to complete that way.
Please contact the Parish Clerk with any questions | | 01359 259 794 (if necessary leave details and the Clerk will get back to you)
We understand that SCC may be preparing their own survey more geared to how it bids for funding for the shaping of the longer term services.