About this site…
The domain for what became the Walsham le Willows village web site was originally registered circa 2000 by David Hill with the idea of setting up a website for the village but this didn’t happen immediately. In 2005 Ken Stockton, decided to get things started. He very generously volunteered his own time and resources to get the site off the ground, enlisting the help of Ben Dougall, another village resident, to help with build, design and making it live in 2006.

This was a lot of work and a considerable achievement considering that in 2006 Ken was already 76 and a ‘self confessed computer illiterate’. He set about teaching himself, with Ben’s assistance, what he needed to know.
As the website grew Ken gathered an enviable amount of content and embarked on years of painstaking maintenance and updating work to keep the site current.
Ken performed his duties as web-master until April 2017 but had wanted to ‘hang up his web-master hat’ for some time. In mid-2016, Kevin Boardley, a relative newcomer to the village, offered to take on the web-master role as well as the role of Parish Clerk.

Given that the site had not had a refresh since inception, Ken was keen that someone else take on the role of revising the site and possibly relaunching it. The site was duly relaunched in April 2017 on a WordPress platform starting with some core pages until by the end of 2017 most of the content had been transferred, presented in a restructured layout, revised and edited and then updated with the help of the various contributors. All the content gathered by Ken over the years, including the voluminous, and famous, Walsham History Group pages, gave a solid base on which to re-build.
In July 2020, the domain name for the site was transferred by the Community Council and is now owned by Walsham le Willows Parish Council. The site is maintained and updated by the Parish Clerk on a voluntary basis (apart from the updating of Parish Council content). The site also hosts content from The Community Council and Walsham Open Gardens.
18th November 2017
A note for contributors…
The content on this website is mainly related to the village of Walsham le Willows and is primarily for the dissemination of village news, the dates of upcoming events (usually for the benefit of charitable causes) and information on the rich history of the village.
The website cannot be used as a platform for the dissemination of particular views, personal or otherwise.
Contributions, text and image content, are most welcome for inclusion on the website. Content should be submitted to the web master in electronic, editable format (e.g. word or excel documents and similar) to minimise transcription errors. It is helpful for contributors to ‘own’ their content by taking the trouble to do a final check for errors that may need correcting as soon as it is notified as published, particularly where dates and times are involved.
Content for the news blog needs to have a ‘news’ type presentation. Any content will generally be edited into the third person, for brevity and to ensure links (URLs) can be inserted without repetition in the text.
The opportunity to work with contributors to agree on a final presentation is welcomed and appreciated but the web master reserves the right to edit submitted content to fit with already published information on an existing or new page, or in any other way.
Contributors must work with the web master to regularly review their submitted content to keep it up to date, accurate and relevant. Content that cannot be brought up to date may be removed.
The website does not accept commercial advertising although this may be considered in the future.